Discrimination no matter how small is wrong. Support of discrimination no matter who does it is wrong.”

-Germany Kent

Policy Statement

At MyTruDate, we believe that all people should be respected and treated equally regardless of their background or identity. No person’s race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, religion, national origin, ability status, marital status, age, socioeconomic status, educational level, citizenship, or similar social identifiers should ever subject anyone to unfair treatment. Rather, we want to cultivate an inclusive environment. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated on our Platform. Users of our platform must treat each other with respect and dignity at all times and refrain from discriminating against any other User in any manner.

Action Taken

Upon discovery that any User has violated or is suspected to have violated this Policy, MyTruDate will:

  • Promptly suspend the account of the accused

  • Promptly remove any discriminatory content if any has been disseminated on our Platform

  • Conduct a review into of all facts concerning the allegations

  • If a violation is confirmed and substantiated, take appropriate action including warning or permanently banning the perpetrator from the MyTruDate Platform. Repeat warnings shall result in a User’s permanent ban.