“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”

-Nelson Mandela

Policy Statement

Although MyTruDate is an adult-only dating app, our mission to promote safety applies not only to adults, but crucially to children as well. MyTruDate has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse of children. This includes materials that sexualize, sexually exploit or endanger children on our Platform. Sexual exploitation or sexual abuse of children is strictly prohibited regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. Biologically, children are not developmentally prepared to fully comprehend sexual activity, and as such, lack the mental capacity and cannot give consent to sexual conduct.

Furthermore, MyTruDate fully supports the 2016 UNICEF global coalition to remove child sexual abuse material online. In furtherance of this goal, we are committed to aligning our policies and practices with their guidelines, as well as the Voluntary Principles to Counter Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

Action Taken

While MyTruDate utilizes a world-class content moderation technology to proactively detect and block Child Sexual Abuse Material on our Platform, we also rely on the support of our MyTruDate community to report suspected CSAM to us. Upon discovery that any User has distributed or published CSAM on our platform or receiving a report that a User has, we will immediately:

  • Remove the harmful child sexual abuse material as soon as it is identified
  • Report the publication or distribution of child sexual abuse material to law enforcement
  • Immediately suspend the account where the content appeared or from which it originated pending a review of all applicable facts
  • If CSAM is confirmed, permanently ban the reported user from MyTruDate and report the publication or distribution of child sexual abuse material to NCMEC’s Cyber tipline

  • Notify all persons who have communicated with such user of the accused’s suspension for violations of this policy.